Community Resources
SC Community Connect
This website helps you to search and connect to free and/or low cost resources in the state of South Carolina. They are arranged by zip code.
Resources the website can provide information on: Food, Housing, Goods, Transit, Health, Money, Care, Education, Work, Legal.
SC Thrive
Provides assistance with filling out/filing the following forms and other services.
Contact: 800-726-8774 or email at
Services provided in English and Spanish
Can help you with filing/filling out the following forms :
Healthy Connections Medicaid, Health Connections Prime, Long-term Care Benefits, S.N.A.P., T.A.N.F., State and Federal Taxes, Medicaid for aged, blind, and disabled, Medically Indigent Assistance Program, Medicare Savings Program, Refugee Cash Assistance, SC Birth Certificate Replacement, Social Security Card Replacement, Voter Registration, Welvista Medical Assistance Program
Disaster Preparedness:
It is important to prepare/plan for disasters of all kinds. Please visit the following website to help you plan and prepare for a disaster, at The information is available in multiple languages such as Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Korean and others.
For further assistance, please contact Wendy Bobadilla, Parish Nurse at 803-788-3252, ext 330 or email at