Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation fosters ongoing lifelong learning and has the following tasks: promote knowledge of the faith; understanding the meaning of liturgical and sacramental life; promote moral formation in Christ; teach Christians how to pray; foster a life of service in the community; and cultivate an evangelizing and missionary spirit. Our goal at St. John Neumann is to nurture and enliven a mature faith in which we live in discipleship with Christ and his Church, and which we live out in our families, in the workplace, in the community and in the world.

Our approach is to create a faith formation network that addresses the diverse tasks and situations, spiritual, religious and cultural needs, and interests of adults in the church by offering a variety of content topics and learning activities out of which adults can develop their own personalized learning pathway. We utilize a variety of learning models to address this, incorporating both face-to-face, interactive learning activities and virtual, online learning activities.

Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

Contact: Catherine Combier-Donovan, (803) 788-3252, ext. 326

Small Christian Communities

Small Christian Communities are groups of 8 – 12 people who gather to share their faith and learn from one another. Groups vary by topic, e.g. Scripture, Catholic beliefs, liturgical season; by participants, e.g., men, women, couples, early birds, etc.; by day of the week or time of the day; by location, e.g. in homes, restaurants, or on church grounds. Some groups meet during a specific liturgical season while others are ongoing.

A variety of topics and materials are provided, including facilitator formation and leader’s guides, online resources, supplementary handouts.
Contact: Catherine Combier-Donovan, (803) 788-3252, ext. 326

Past Groups: Topics Vary
Tuesday: 6:30 AM, SJN Teen Room - Men’s Group 
Thursday: 10:00 AM, Gillin Hall 
Thursday: 7:00 PM, private home 

Sistema Integral de Evangelización

Este sistema es una manera específica de re-encontrarse de una manera personal con el amor de Cristo resucitado. Es un sistema operativo que ayuda al párroco a integrar a la parroquia; y a la misma vez ayuda a la persona a tener ese encuentro personal e integral con Jesucristo. Mas

Mas El proceso inicia con diversas acciones pre-evangelizadoras que preceden a un retiro kerymatico en donde la persona re-descubre el amor y la misericordia de Dios. Después de ese encuentro se brinda la oportunidad de incorporarse a una Pequeña Comunidad Cristiana que sirve como instrumento para vivir una vida más plena como miembros vivos del Cuerpo Místico de Cristo que es la Iglesia. La fecha del próximo retiro se anunciará con tiempo en el boletín.

Scripture Enrichment / Scripture Study Groups
Contact: Catherine Combier-Donovan, (803) 788-3252, ext. 326

Adult Bible Study - finished: Little Rock Scripture Study: Second Corinthians 

Estudios Biblicos – Estudio de la Biblia se celebra los miércoles y utilizan videos para proporcionar antecedentes sobre las Escrituras.
Lider: Diácono Enrique Bautista.

Online Scripture Resources 

St. Louis University Sunday Website - Sunday Readings and Reflections
Catholic Resources. org - extensive Bible and Lectionary study resource
The Story and You – Connect the sacred stories and your daily life. Also in Spanish La Historia y Usted
TextWeek.com - A wide variety of resources for study and liturgy based on the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle.

Faith Enrichment

My Catholic Faith – this weekly gathering explores a variety of faith topics, using videos, books, articles and lively discussions.
Meets Mondays: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, in Gillin Hall.

Spiritual Enrichment

Book Study - Individual and group study, for example: The Holy Longing by Ronald Rolheiser (2022). Finished reading Learning to Pray, by Fr. James Martin, S.J.


Sunday Worship through the Week 

Take Five for Faith – Daily reflection on a reading of the day

Life Issues - GriefShare - a support group for those who are grieving.  Contact Wendy Bodadilla at wbodadilla@SJNChurch.com

[Re]Discovering Faith

Becoming Catholic: RCIA/OCIA