Health Cabinet

The Health Cabinet plans and implements initiatives that promote health in the parish and beyond.  



Help needed with the Virtual Pilgrimage to Mexico this fall!

Twice each year, the St. John Neumann Health Cabinet conducts a virtual pilgrimage. This fall we will be virtually touring Mexico, and as the tour guide, would like your help in deciding what are the most important religious and public sights to see in Mexico.  

If you have lived in Mexico or have traveled to Mexico and you know of specific Catholic Churches, shrines or other Holy sights and important public sights we should visit, we would be grateful for the name of the sight, for example, the Lady of Guadalupe shrine, as well as its location, Mexico City. If you have a photograph of the sight you are willing to share that would be even more helpful. You cansend the information in English or Spanish to me via email to kscharer@bellsouth.net.  If you send a photograph, please be sure any identifiable people in the photo are comfortable with the photo being published online in the weekly report. I will include a citation with each photo included in in each weekly report, which would include your name but if you prefer, I can list it as from an anonymous parishioner. If you do not have access to the internet or only have printed photographs, you can drop off your information in care of Wendy Bobadilla, the Parish Nurse who will get the information to me.

If your photos are not digital and you would like them returned, please be sure to include your PRINTED name and address with the photograph, so I can make sure you get them back.  I will need this information no later than August 15 in order to plan our virtual travels in Mexico.  Thank you for your help with this pilgrimage.

These virtual pilgrimages consist of individuals exercising on their own and counting the minutes they exercise. Each 20 minute period is considered one mile. The individual reports miles weekly to the tour guide who then collects all participants' miles to see how far the pilgrimage traveled each week. As the tour guide, I write a report describing wehre we travled during each week. TO participate, watch for the announcement of the start of the fall pilgrimage and send your miles to me via email or use the drop box in Gillin Hall to submit your report. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to provide the reports in Spanish.

Kathy Scharer, your virtual tour guide


 Health Cabinet Meeting Dates:

2024:  Jan 14th  Feb 11th  March 10th   Apr 14th   May 19th   Jun 9th   Aug 11th    Sept 8th   Oct 13th   Nov 10th 

Contact: Wendy Bobadilla (Parish Nurse), 803-788-3252, ext 330 or email at wbobadilla@sjnchurch.com.