Parish Nurse

Wendy Bobadilla BSN, RN                                     Contact: wbobadilla@sjnchurch.com; 803-788-3252 ext 330


CPR/First Aid Classes (American Heart Association)

Interested in learning CPR/1st Aid?  Please contact:

Wendy at 803-788-3252, ext 330 or email at wbobadilla@sjnchurch.com



  SJN Exercise Class

Tuesdays and Fridays IN-PERSON & VIA ZOOM at 10:30 am to 11:45 am

IN-PERSON CLASS is in Gillin Hall

Everyone is welcome!  Classes are Free.  Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes.

Program is the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program

This is an excellent program for people with any mobility issues, in need of an activity program that stretches and works the whole body and all its joints.

Expect to see improvements in balance, strength and flexibility.  Stand straighter, feel better and HAVE FUN!

Questions?  Contact Wendy at 803-788-3252 ext 330, 803-413-4797, or wbobadilla@sjnchurch.com 


Tai Chi Classes

at St. John Neumann Church

100 Polo Road, Columbia, SC 29223

Mondays at 4pm and Thursdays at 3:30pm

Tuesdays at 4pm (this class is by invitation only)

Classes are free and everyone is welcome!

For more information, please contact Wendy Bobadilla at wbobadilla@sjnchurch.com or 803-788-3252 ext 330 or 803-413-4797. 



A Nurse's Prayer

Give me Strength and wisdom,

When others need my touch;

A soothing word to speak to them,

Their hearts yearn for so much.

Give me joy and laughter,

To lift a weary soul;

Pour in me compassion,

To make the broken whole.

Give me gentle, healing hands,

For those left in my care;

A blessing to those who need me,

This is a Nurse's Prayer.

By Allison Chambers Coxsey



What is a Parish Nurse, also known as a Faith Community Nurse (FCN)?

Faith Community Nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as well as the promotion of whole-person health and the prevention or minimization of illness within the context of a faith community and the wider community.  An FCN is a registered nurse who is actively licensed in a given state and who serves as a member of the staff of a faith community.  The FCN promotes health as wholeness of the faith community, its groups, families, and individual members through the practice of nursing as defined by that state's nurse practice act in the jurisdiction in which the FCN practices and the standards of practice.

The Parish Nurse/Faith Community Nurse promotes whole-person care across the life span using the skills of a professional nurse and provider of spiritual care.  The FCN provides care during multiple encounters with parishioners over extended periods of time, which may include healthy growth and development as well as periods of change in functional level, illness, loss, and grief.

The Parish Nurse/FCN provides spiritual care in the faith community as well as in the broader community. 

The goals of the Parish Nurse/Faith Community Nurse are:

     -Protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities;

     -Prevention of illness and injury;

     -Facilitation of healing;

     -Alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses; and

     -Advocacy in the context of the values, beliefs, and practices of a faith community.

  From: Faith Community Nursing, 3rd Edition; Scope and Standards of Practice